Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues Thanks to reddit use “ davidintransit” we have a list of some games that will work on the Surface Pro on Low or Medium settings. It won’t beat out most dedicated GPUs but isn’t a slouch like you’d expect it to be. Yes, yes internal GPUs, somebody shoot me, right? However, the HD 4000 is a workhorse. Just so we’re clear, we’re talking about a tablet running a Core i5 3rd Gen CPU with an Intel HD 4000 GPU. Related: Why Releasing Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut Was A Mistake You’ll be fidgeting with the settings in each game to find a nice and happy medium but it will play. Just don’t go expecting beast performance. If you’re looking for something that can play League of Legends, World of Warcraft, Diablo 3, Call of Duty, Dota 2, or whatever your fix may be then the Surface Pro is alright. The Surface Pro may be a “first gen” device but it is going to be hard to keep your hands off of something like this if you’re a big PC gamer that needs a laptop replacement or never got into the laptop scene. This single device is a true multi-modal Swiss Army kind of a tablet that does a more reasonable impression of both a laptop and a tablet than anything else I’ve played with to date. I have read books in bed, played realtime strategy games, streamed video and music, and even installed our publishing software. Its battery life is not “all day” like the RT, but it won’t die on you if you forget to plug it in overnight. I am happy to report that the Surface Pro goes a lot further to living up to the claim. device to my 23-inch Dell monitor, and got 1080p resolution on the bigger screen. NBC News games editor Todd Kenreck and I loaded it up with real PC games, including “League of Legends” and “Star Wars: The Old Republic.” We even used the Mini DisplayPort jack to connect the 10.6-in. The proving ground for us on the Surface Pro was the gaming. There’s a section that talks about gaming on it and here’s what it says: I want to quote NBC News’ review of the Surface Pro.

You may have to settle for Low to Medium settings but this is the first iteration of something this portable being able to load up, say, Civilization V and let you play the damn thing. It won’t play everything under the sun and what it will play won’t be running at max settings. This isn’t a device for everyone and even if you don’t plan on buying one, the aspect of this extremely portable way of playing your PC games is tantalizing and a glimpse at the future. This is a pricey device sitting at $899 for the base model but new technology never comes cheap.